
Greetings friends and family! Welcome to our blog. We hope it serves as a way to communicate and travel with us as we begin our journey across the U.S.A. and to China. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you all, and hope to hear from each of you often :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


inspiration. we all need it...to do what we love and feel a sense of motivation and fulfillment. tonight i was inspired by a music night held at cup o' joe (erich's cafe). you know the feeling you get right after being inspired?...a heightened sense of life, head swimming with possibility,loving the life that has been given to you. that's where i am.

the night was full of spirit and passion...people, young and old, who played instruments and sang...all sharing their talents. students writing their own songs and passing around the guitar, scottish folk singers, christmas carols, violin, chinese melodies, piano symphonies. it was beautiful and wonderful and touched me to see so many people just enjoying life. no one could have been happier anywhere else.

inspired...not to pick up an instrument or sing, but to create something as beautiful and personal in my own way. it's been awhile since i have felt inspired to make my own art...not a teacher example or experiment for class. i need to make my own art. i need to find my voice again. how could it have been so long since i have made MY art? i guess i got lost in other things in life and forgot. how am i teaching art when i'm not even making it myself? it's time to start again and what better place than china where i am in a constant state of awe, inspired by everything that surrounds me? i don't know what i will make but i am inspired to start something. i want my head to swim again.

as my dear friend, and amazingly talented artist, Lauren Austin once told me though, art is hard work. i know that i was fortunate to receive this inspiration tonight, but i cannot just sit around waiting for inspiration to make my own art. i need to make time for art, i need to create even if i am not inspired, i need to find inspiration instead of sitting around and counting on it to fall in my lap. i will start small...but i am starting.

thank you erich for organizing this music night. i know i am not the only one inspired by it. i saw the smiles on faces, the pure joy in the voices singing, the soul in the feet tapping to the beat. this is what inspires us to live life. sometimes we just need a little reminder.

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